I dont think,,,Its so easy to describe myself in words...
Well....Le'me try....
Hmmmm...... 1st of all u cant understand me very easily...
Its upto u, how u deal with me....If u think m bad...m bad...if u think m good,,,m good....
dat means...I m... what...I m...
I cant change maself for any1.....Coz if I'll change maself....I'll b d worst for everyone...
Welll..... if u think,,,I can b a good frnd...I'll try ma best to b d best..... bt pls,,,,,pls,,,,pls.... dont ever try to make any relationship with me other than frndship..... There r 99.999999999999999 % chances,,,,,dat I'll b more possessive towards u... so b careful....