---im 19 years old and stand _ feet and _ inches?ahaha
--- a gadget freak, a movie freak, and music lover
--- a car addict! but i dont have a car.
--- despite my built... i have a vry big appetite...
--- my brain consits of 75% of water
--- and 25% air... haha
--- i used to be a swimmer for about 6 months but i stopped
--- i miss my old color (im so neggah)
--- i love dogs but im afraid of one (ironic isnt it)
--- im a big fan of Jay to the EL - OW
--- i LUST over apple computers and gadgets
--- im an introvert person, id rather be alone in my room dan socialize outside
--- i sleeptalk and sleepwalk...
--- i wake up every morning drowned with saliva...
--- i am nice... but naug