"I am a dictionary, gives every experiences a special meaning, has high definition and very essential for you to learn.."
<3 beth :) <3
NAME: elizabeth de joya
NICKNAME: beth, betbet, liz
AGE: 18
E - energetic
L - lucky
I - impatient
Z - zippy
A - admirable
B - blessed
E - elegant
T - tough
H - humble
..When I'm in a crowd of people and don't know anybody, I usually give the impression of DON'T - COME - NEAR - ME. Staring straight at them in the eye is enough for them to get the message, I'm just tremendously shy. I would like it more if they make the first move. But, honestly, I'm a really talkative person. Yes, I talk a lot once you get to know me and I'm outgoing too. :)
..I'm abso