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Pazardzik, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria
I am the happiest woman in the world... I will just say - Fuck you suckers !!! 仂亞舒仂 于亠亠 仍仂亢舒 亞仍舒于舒 仆舒 于亰亞仍舒于仆亳舒舒, 仄仂亞舒 亟舒 从舒亢舒: "仆亠 弍 亟仂弍 仂于亠从." 丐仂亞舒于舒 亠 于于舒仄 从舒亳于舒... When night put the head on the pillow, I can say, "Today was a good man." Then feel beautiful ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm7-kSJwDKg