Busco la PAZ, y soy un soñador..pero como LENNON , NO SOY EL UNICO,,mi sueño una mujer MUSLIM que desee ser feliz sea la voluntad de ALAH.
ELLA esta en algun lugar del planeta..la espero y la busco..y esta presnte en mis oraciones diarias.INSHALALA
My name is DHEGAR CORDERO G. (MUHAMMMAD M. SALEM) I am I only talk that know the Islam does but of a year, that as soon as it was in past RAMANDAN that I did my shahada, I was Christian desd young in the church of Jesus Christ of the saints of the last days, well-known like mormons, even also; I can say that to my life change
after embracing the Islam, pity sun perdi to all friendly, many do not accept my true FAITH (the Islam) the one that