-if nk add saia..pastikn dri anda ku knli....
-spew yg add aq,aq x approve lma mknanye aq x suka kowg add aq n aq x bernakn kowg see my photo...ohh no..it so private to me...
-kalu yg x suka aq or nk kutuk aq..or nk gedik cramah..pleazzz tekan butong delete me as ur frenzz...dont cover by the books pleasure...
-if u respect me...i respect u toooo...if not u can go to the market...huahua
~pastikn anda mempunyai imej mka....lau x pleazz dont add me...
-just call me diyana@eken@nina..or papew jea jgn pelik sudh...
~i dont like people who are snob.....uhhhhhhh~
~if want me to be ur frenzz add me....but ikt ska aty i lah nk approve or x....it is my facebook not u...ohhh..._
-ohhh aq x cn