There is no 'GoodBye' words in my life... I always be here,., stay at my darkness... and maybe Enter and beGone unnoticely ~`O`~
Im not famous like what you think...
Im not Rich like what you want...
and Im not special, I repeat, Im not special...
Im V-I-L-E!!!
⇨[t-'V'irus]⇦ Gain special Power
⇨[sm'I'le]⇦ Use that power to create happiness
⇨[umbre'L'la]⇦ Sometimes, got some MalFunction
⇨[bl'E'ach ]⇦ Well, only my favorite
I "Officially Missing You"
'Believe and Faith' is waiting you at your door waiting to guide you for a better day, followed by 'dont give up' a