prinsip ku mudah saja...
~klu org bagi tahi kt aq pn akn bagi blik tahi kt dye...
~skli orng wt jhat kt aq...seumur hidup aq akn ingt....
~sekali aq benci orng tu smpi bila2 aq akn benci...
(bukan bedendam tp x nk trkena lagi..hanya org bodoh ja yg suka terkena 2,3 kali)
n lastly...
~nk kwn ngn aq mmg la tok aq percaya...amat la sukar...
it's me x arp smua orng blh trma cra aq brfikir tp cukup la skdar hormat kt aq.... ^_^
~sory im just frnd wth those people i know and close only...if u not in this catgories..plz dont waste ur time...not because im dislike to find more frindz but because im dficult to trust really sory... :D