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Organization / Workplace
Singapore Singapore
CEO at CreoPop
Electronics / Computer Hardware
Dmitry is co-founder of Creopop the world's first 3D pen with cool ink. Dmitry also is owner of 束DI Group損 - group of companies includes number of successful companies working in different areas (vending equipment, medical equipment, gadgets and consumer electronics). DI Group operates on new fast growing markets, and include: Full production cycle with high-tech equipment; R&D laboratories (chemistry, medical equipment, optics, electronics); Engineering center; Seed Investment Fund. Dmitry holds a Masters degree in technical physics from Tomsk State University. From 2010-2013, Dmitry was a University professor at the Tomsk university of Control systems and radioelectronics wher...
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Hax asia presentation public
Hax asia presentation publicHax asia presentation public
Hax asia presentation public
Conceptual design proposals for artloom v1.0 (short)
Conceptual design proposals for artloom v1.0 (short)Conceptual design proposals for artloom v1.0 (short)
Conceptual design proposals for artloom v1.0 (short)
仂仆亠仆亶 舒舒从亳仂仆 - 于仂从仂亟仂仂亟仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 "仗仂亟 从仍ム", 仆亠 亠弍ム亳亶 弍仂仍亳 亰舒舒
仂仆亠仆亶 舒舒从亳仂仆 - 于仂从仂亟仂仂亟仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 "仗仂亟 从仍ム", 仆亠 亠弍ム亳亶 弍仂仍亳 亰舒舒仂仆亠仆亶 舒舒从亳仂仆 - 于仂从仂亟仂仂亟仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 "仗仂亟 从仍ム", 仆亠 亠弍ム亳亶 弍仂仍亳 亰舒舒
仂仆亠仆亶 舒舒从亳仂仆 - 于仂从仂亟仂仂亟仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 "仗仂亟 从仍ム", 仆亠 亠弍ム亳亶 弍仂仍亳 亰舒舒