FOR INQUIRIES CALL: 0916-525-2871
Association executives continue to feel the negative effects of the recession, with over 80% reporting it has had an extremely or somewhat negative impact on achieving their 2009 goals. Annual meeting attendance, advertising, and sponsorships have been hit hardest. More than half reported a decrease in member retention in 2009, with just under 10% seeing an increase. Budget cuts, staffing changes like salary freezes and layoffs, and reductions to programming have become more widespread. Promotional pricing, public relations, and direct mail have proven most effective for achieving goals. Online media is showing better results than in previous surveys. Associations are employing innovative marketing approaches to respond to economic challenges.
This document consists of a blog by Marina Gorosito about using various online tools for English language teaching. It includes 17 posts providing samples and tutorials for tools like GoAnimate, Glogster, Sketchcast, and Zimmertwins. The final 4 posts propose activities for students to use these tools, including creating videos on issues, making posters about eating disorders, designing monsters in Sketchcast, and crafting cartoons in Zimmertwins.
The document introduces HealthFeed, a new information hub launching in September 2014 on LifeWiseOr.com. HealthFeed will provide news and information on health, wellness, healthcare, health plans, and LifeWise. Its mission is to promote healthy habits and help people understand and maximize their healthcare options. HealthFeed will feature stories organized by categories like healthcare explained, health and wellness, living life wise, and LifeWise news. Sample article topics are provided for each category. HealthFeed content will be promoted on social media, the LifeWise website, and through paid syndication to engage Oregon members and residents.
Este documento presenta el C¨®digo Nacional de Tr¨¢nsito Terrestre de Colombia. Define los principios rectores del c¨®digo como la seguridad de los usuarios, calidad, oportunidad, cubrimiento, libertad de acceso, plena identificaci¨®n, libre circulaci¨®n, educaci¨®n y descentralizaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n define m¨¢s de 50 t¨¦rminos relacionados con el tr¨¢nsito como acera, accidente de tr¨¢nsito, alcoholemia, autom¨®vil, autopista, bicicleta, bus, carretera, casco y conductor, entre otros.
How to make a Personal Single Page Application with CozyFrank Rousseau
This is a small tutorial explaining how to develop your application for Cozy Cloud in a painless way.
Talk performed @ LyonJS Meetup, April 2013
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a non-profit membership organization formed in 1974 that currently represents over 200,000 small businesses in the UK. It provides numerous legal, financial, and business benefits and protections for its members, including employment law advice, tax and legal helplines, insurance discounts, banking services, and business support. The FSB also advocates on behalf of small businesses and keeps members informed through magazines and events.
Technological advancements over the last decade have transformed how businesses operate and opened opportunities for innovation. These include the internet, software, hardware, and new communication technologies. Technology has increased the speed of information exchange, allowing businesses to react more quickly. It has also created new products, markets, and more efficient business processes. Looking ahead, the next generation of the internet promises to become a more collaborative platform that enables secure inter-company interactions. Architecture is shifting from vertically integrated to distributed and virtualized, making IT more flexible, agile, and cost-effective.
Az Adwords display h¨¢l¨®zat (kor¨¢bban tartalmi h¨¢l¨®zat) bemutat¨¢sa a Sikeres Google Adwords Hirdet¨¦sek Titkai c¨ªm? multim¨¦di¨¢s tananyagcsomagban (mintafejezet).
The document discusses strategies used by the American Society of Anesthesiologists to increase membership between 2010-2013. It conducted member research to understand values and develop marketing plans. Targeted outreach including e-blasts, newsletter ads, and postcards helped boost membership by 2.8% in 2010, 4.5% in 2012, 5.4% in 2011, and 2.7% in 2013. Humorous and emotional appeals were also effective approaches in marketing materials to retain existing members and recruit former members.
The document summarizes the results of a survey of 300 association executives about their priorities, challenges, and strategies for 2009 in light of the economic conditions. It finds that association executives are bracing for negative impacts on membership, meeting attendance, and other revenue sources from the economy. Eighty-two percent believe the economy will negatively impact their ability to achieve goals in 2009, while 8% don't expect much impact and 3% a possible positive impact. The report provides baseline data for McKinley Marketing to identify successes and adjustments associations make in response to members' actual behaviors.
Speed Global Networking offers an online speed dating platform called FNATO that allows users to rapidly meet potential partners through 3 minute conversations. FNATO aims to improve on traditional online dating sites by generating multiple real-time dates within a short period of time based on the concept of speed dating. The platform offers various features like match suggestions, anonymous profiles, gifts, and private chat rooms to enhance the user experience. Speed Global Networking markets FNATO as a partnership opportunity for companies wanting to launch their own customized and localized speed dating sites.
The document lists various programs, services, and initiatives that a community center is thankful for. These include job fairs and workshops for the unemployed, exercise and support programs for breast cancer survivors, inclusive scouting experiences, honoring youth leaders annually, sports and wellness programs, after school and enrichment programs, hurricane Sandy relief efforts, nursery school and camp scholarships, a day hab program for young adults with special needs, support groups for seniors dealing with depression, busing for seniors to attend programs, a youth board that organizes coat drives, social groups for single seniors, an after school kids club for special needs children, a kosher food pantry, and a disaster assistance response team. All of the programs are described as making
The document outlines the 5 key elements of a plot diagram: 1) Exposition introduces the characters, setting, and main conflict. 2) Rising Action develops the conflict(s) and builds suspense. 3) Climax is the turning point where the protagonist faces the central conflict. 4) Falling Action resolves loose ends from the climax. 5) Resolution provides a reasonable ending that ties the story together. These five elements - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution - make up the basic pattern of events in a narrative from beginning to end.
Este documento es la autobiograf¨ªa de Cleotilde Jorge Rafael. Resume los principales eventos de su vida desde su nacimiento en 1991 en Oaxaca, M¨¦xico hasta el presente donde cursa el primer semestre de la carrera de Ingenier¨ªa en Sistemas Computacionales. Incluye detalles sobre su educaci¨®n primaria, secundaria y preparatoria, as¨ª como sus logros deportivos y participaci¨®n en grupos escolares. Concluye reconociendo que aunque ha recorrido un largo camino, todav¨ªa le queda mucho por aprender en su educaci¨®n
This document provides an overview of the history and development of educational technology from the early 1900s to 2010. It describes some of the key milestones in the development of instructional media, computers, the internet, and technologies used in classrooms over the past century including the development of radio, film, calculators, mainframe computers, personal computers, the internet, and mobile devices. It also defines some common terms used in educational technology like ICT, e-learning, and blended learning.
The document outlines the 5 elements of a basic plot diagram: 1) Exposition introduces the characters, setting, and main conflict. 2) Rising Action develops the conflict(s) and builds suspense. 3) Climax is the turning point where the protagonist faces the central conflict. 4) Falling Action resolves loose ends from the climax. 5) Resolution provides a reasonable ending that ties up the story. These 5 elements - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution - make up the typical pattern of events in a narrative plot from beginning to end.
The Evolving Role of the Independent Reppembaserves
Never have reps been more needed in the outdoor industry. If retailers are to be the cultural ambassadors and flesh-and-blood connections to real consumers, reps must be the grand wizards, the witch-doctors, the story-tellers. For our vendors, we¡¯re the ear-to-the-rails, boots-on-the-ground force that is otherwise lacking in an increasingly digital world transformed by social media and market disruption.
Reps need to have huge skill-sets to do what we do. We're rare, and valuable.
Meanwhile, reps have three main jobs: We sell, we service, and we market. We also have three work stations: The phone, the computer, and the steering wheel (sometimes even at the same time, with a cup of coffee and a burrito in our laps for good measure.) Juggling our job duties while transitioning from one work-station to another - and often from one time-zone to another - is beyond challenging: It's not sustainable, nor scalable.
It's time to look at the model we've been using and figure out what's next. What is next? We'll discuss this while looking at how new technologies and media habits can broaden our reach and effectiveness while conserving our most valuable resource: Our time and attention.
Werntz, founder of Pemba Serves, Inc, a sales agency that has been servicing the upper Midwest for almost twenty years, has over thirty years of experience in the outdoor industry. Pemba Serves was a finalist for the OIA Industry Innovator award in 2007; Brad was recognized in 2009 as one of the ten inaugural SNEWS? Power Players.
This document is a thesis on actuarial analysis in social security. It acknowledges contributions from various experts who helped with the research. The thesis contains 5 chapters that discuss the role of actuaries in social security, how macroeconomic factors influence calculations, financial aspects of social security systems, an analysis of Turkey's social security system, and some actuarial calculations regarding Azerbaijan's pension system. The conclusion restates that actuaries must analyze complex interacting demographic, economic, financial and legal factors when assessing social security schemes.
From Network to Community: How One Association Built a Social Networking Tool...McKinley Advisors
Presentation given at ASAE's Great Idea Conference, March 25, 2012 by Amanda Adolph, former Vice President at the Association of Governing Boards (AGB) and McKinley Advisors' Managing Consultant, Shelley Sanner, CAE.
How to make a Personal Single Page Application with CozyFrank Rousseau
This is a small tutorial explaining how to develop your application for Cozy Cloud in a painless way.
Talk performed @ LyonJS Meetup, April 2013
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a non-profit membership organization formed in 1974 that currently represents over 200,000 small businesses in the UK. It provides numerous legal, financial, and business benefits and protections for its members, including employment law advice, tax and legal helplines, insurance discounts, banking services, and business support. The FSB also advocates on behalf of small businesses and keeps members informed through magazines and events.
Technological advancements over the last decade have transformed how businesses operate and opened opportunities for innovation. These include the internet, software, hardware, and new communication technologies. Technology has increased the speed of information exchange, allowing businesses to react more quickly. It has also created new products, markets, and more efficient business processes. Looking ahead, the next generation of the internet promises to become a more collaborative platform that enables secure inter-company interactions. Architecture is shifting from vertically integrated to distributed and virtualized, making IT more flexible, agile, and cost-effective.
Az Adwords display h¨¢l¨®zat (kor¨¢bban tartalmi h¨¢l¨®zat) bemutat¨¢sa a Sikeres Google Adwords Hirdet¨¦sek Titkai c¨ªm? multim¨¦di¨¢s tananyagcsomagban (mintafejezet).
The document discusses strategies used by the American Society of Anesthesiologists to increase membership between 2010-2013. It conducted member research to understand values and develop marketing plans. Targeted outreach including e-blasts, newsletter ads, and postcards helped boost membership by 2.8% in 2010, 4.5% in 2012, 5.4% in 2011, and 2.7% in 2013. Humorous and emotional appeals were also effective approaches in marketing materials to retain existing members and recruit former members.
The document summarizes the results of a survey of 300 association executives about their priorities, challenges, and strategies for 2009 in light of the economic conditions. It finds that association executives are bracing for negative impacts on membership, meeting attendance, and other revenue sources from the economy. Eighty-two percent believe the economy will negatively impact their ability to achieve goals in 2009, while 8% don't expect much impact and 3% a possible positive impact. The report provides baseline data for McKinley Marketing to identify successes and adjustments associations make in response to members' actual behaviors.
Speed Global Networking offers an online speed dating platform called FNATO that allows users to rapidly meet potential partners through 3 minute conversations. FNATO aims to improve on traditional online dating sites by generating multiple real-time dates within a short period of time based on the concept of speed dating. The platform offers various features like match suggestions, anonymous profiles, gifts, and private chat rooms to enhance the user experience. Speed Global Networking markets FNATO as a partnership opportunity for companies wanting to launch their own customized and localized speed dating sites.
The document lists various programs, services, and initiatives that a community center is thankful for. These include job fairs and workshops for the unemployed, exercise and support programs for breast cancer survivors, inclusive scouting experiences, honoring youth leaders annually, sports and wellness programs, after school and enrichment programs, hurricane Sandy relief efforts, nursery school and camp scholarships, a day hab program for young adults with special needs, support groups for seniors dealing with depression, busing for seniors to attend programs, a youth board that organizes coat drives, social groups for single seniors, an after school kids club for special needs children, a kosher food pantry, and a disaster assistance response team. All of the programs are described as making
The document outlines the 5 key elements of a plot diagram: 1) Exposition introduces the characters, setting, and main conflict. 2) Rising Action develops the conflict(s) and builds suspense. 3) Climax is the turning point where the protagonist faces the central conflict. 4) Falling Action resolves loose ends from the climax. 5) Resolution provides a reasonable ending that ties the story together. These five elements - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution - make up the basic pattern of events in a narrative from beginning to end.
Este documento es la autobiograf¨ªa de Cleotilde Jorge Rafael. Resume los principales eventos de su vida desde su nacimiento en 1991 en Oaxaca, M¨¦xico hasta el presente donde cursa el primer semestre de la carrera de Ingenier¨ªa en Sistemas Computacionales. Incluye detalles sobre su educaci¨®n primaria, secundaria y preparatoria, as¨ª como sus logros deportivos y participaci¨®n en grupos escolares. Concluye reconociendo que aunque ha recorrido un largo camino, todav¨ªa le queda mucho por aprender en su educaci¨®n
This document provides an overview of the history and development of educational technology from the early 1900s to 2010. It describes some of the key milestones in the development of instructional media, computers, the internet, and technologies used in classrooms over the past century including the development of radio, film, calculators, mainframe computers, personal computers, the internet, and mobile devices. It also defines some common terms used in educational technology like ICT, e-learning, and blended learning.
The document outlines the 5 elements of a basic plot diagram: 1) Exposition introduces the characters, setting, and main conflict. 2) Rising Action develops the conflict(s) and builds suspense. 3) Climax is the turning point where the protagonist faces the central conflict. 4) Falling Action resolves loose ends from the climax. 5) Resolution provides a reasonable ending that ties up the story. These 5 elements - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution - make up the typical pattern of events in a narrative plot from beginning to end.
The Evolving Role of the Independent Reppembaserves
Never have reps been more needed in the outdoor industry. If retailers are to be the cultural ambassadors and flesh-and-blood connections to real consumers, reps must be the grand wizards, the witch-doctors, the story-tellers. For our vendors, we¡¯re the ear-to-the-rails, boots-on-the-ground force that is otherwise lacking in an increasingly digital world transformed by social media and market disruption.
Reps need to have huge skill-sets to do what we do. We're rare, and valuable.
Meanwhile, reps have three main jobs: We sell, we service, and we market. We also have three work stations: The phone, the computer, and the steering wheel (sometimes even at the same time, with a cup of coffee and a burrito in our laps for good measure.) Juggling our job duties while transitioning from one work-station to another - and often from one time-zone to another - is beyond challenging: It's not sustainable, nor scalable.
It's time to look at the model we've been using and figure out what's next. What is next? We'll discuss this while looking at how new technologies and media habits can broaden our reach and effectiveness while conserving our most valuable resource: Our time and attention.
Werntz, founder of Pemba Serves, Inc, a sales agency that has been servicing the upper Midwest for almost twenty years, has over thirty years of experience in the outdoor industry. Pemba Serves was a finalist for the OIA Industry Innovator award in 2007; Brad was recognized in 2009 as one of the ten inaugural SNEWS? Power Players.
This document is a thesis on actuarial analysis in social security. It acknowledges contributions from various experts who helped with the research. The thesis contains 5 chapters that discuss the role of actuaries in social security, how macroeconomic factors influence calculations, financial aspects of social security systems, an analysis of Turkey's social security system, and some actuarial calculations regarding Azerbaijan's pension system. The conclusion restates that actuaries must analyze complex interacting demographic, economic, financial and legal factors when assessing social security schemes.
From Network to Community: How One Association Built a Social Networking Tool...McKinley Advisors
Presentation given at ASAE's Great Idea Conference, March 25, 2012 by Amanda Adolph, former Vice President at the Association of Governing Boards (AGB) and McKinley Advisors' Managing Consultant, Shelley Sanner, CAE.