1) I'm the daughter of a KING! So, I'm a princess! Hahaha!=))
2) I love posting daily prayers, Bible quotes and worship music on FB..haha..
3) I love the beach! Sun + sand + water + food = Happy Me!♥
4) Family, friends and sometimes even random strangers will never go hungry with me around..wahaha!
5) I have a Bucket List and I will not rest until I've ticked off all the entries..=))
6) I believe in Angels and everyday miracles!
7) I dream of building an all-in-one community someday..♥
8) Sometimes, I sleep while my eyes are open..nyahaha!
9) Cockroaches (especially flying ones) scare me more than anything..boo!
10) If I could have my way, everyone would get a 2-month summer v