about me: hellooo, I m Cool Naturee Personn.....Alwayss Readyyy to Help Othersss....n Likee to makee neww Frendssss...........
Iff u really knoww MoRee abt mee thenn betterr Connectedd to meee.........
Aim in Lifee - (1 2 3 4 5 6)
1- OnlY 6 DigiT $alarY.......
2- FiVe BedRooM AparTmenT......
3- FouR WheeL DriVe.......
4- OnlY FouR or FiVe $erVanT$...
5- One $weetHearT ♥♥.......
6- Two CuTee ChilDrenn.......
I just FoLLow Triple L funda "LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH".......
For me My FamilY & Friend$ are my Life........
I always want to keep everyone HAPPY in my CompanY...........
♥♥ Maine Harr RoZ Dua meIn tuJe manGa hai..