If u can't handle my WORST den u don't deserve my BEST....
=)I never try 2 impress some1
4 dem 2 lyk me....bcoz wat u see is just the REAL ME!!!
..... ·.¸.·´
.. (
/ \ ......
✔love ko ang nga friends q
gooD sYd:
>I LiKe SoCiAlIzNg DuN sA mGa 22oNg TaO...
>MaBaEt DaW aQ zV nIlA...HeHe
>SoBrAnG mGmHl KyA pAg NsKtAN sObrA Dn....
>I LikE sOnGs Na NkKrELatE aq..XeMpRe..
>mBaEt Aq Sa TaOnG mBaET dEN xKeN..
bAd sYd:
>sELoSa lAlO N sA taOnG MaHl Na mHl Q....
>SlYt MatRay...
>sObRa mGLT KeA d Aq NggLt NgTtMpO Lng..HaHaha
my highschool friends who happens to be my friends until now used to