B LaZy,
ThINk cRaZy..!
Hmmm.... Hieee..!!
Myself HaRsh PaNcHal HeRe....
ehhh.... its vry hard to say smthin when it comes to (about me)...
Hmm.... Hie guys i m harsh,harhu n much more...nywys thts not important...
Well i m a student, i love to do kiiddas, hmm... as a teenage craze..I lyk speed n 2 roam out wid ma frnds....
Hmm.. some good qualities...
I visit temple once in week...
I try 2 cook good food..(Try At Ur Own Risk ...!!)
I hav a respect for ma elders n girls too..
I love ma frnds n cant live widout 'em....
Ma frnds say tht... i hav a unique quality to 'impress girls'
well... I do think d same...