"Love make the man become strong and the strong man become weak"..... :-D
"Love isn't the base of happiness, but whitout love is the base of sadness"... :-)
ku tau kan kesedihan,,
ku tau kan kesenangan..
jiwa yg hilang cma tinngal angan...
aq harus mendapat USP dari 3 USP yg ad..:
1. WPPE (Wakil Perantara Perdagangan Efek)
2, WPEE (Wakil Perantara Emisi Efek)
3. WMI (Wakil Manager Investasi)
aq ruz dapat itu smua....n TOEFL target 600...MAN JADDA WA JADA....
I can see you if you're not with me
I can say to my self if you're OKAY
I can feel you if you're not with me
I can reach you my self, you show me the way
life was never be so easy as it seems
'till you come a