..... .存.卒
.. ( 獅獅
/ \ .....
i Luph my fmLy.. I luph my seLf.. I Luph my b'pLend, d m0zt impoRtant tHing..
I hate wheN d peopLe mke me feeL guiLty 2 get deiR way.. D people that pRetend 2 b my pLend..
D pleNd dat taLk bhiNd my baCk..
ThosE hu R PurposeLy ruDe,,
Those hu R purpoSeLy Lie..
D hypocRiticaL..
now I'm lookin' voo a figure of men who could guide me become a better person, who cares about my situation, kind wid my family, and also can appreciate the time. I want a man that is respo