When you are planning your estate, you probably want to facilitate timely postmortem asset transfers. Learn more about inheritances in this presentation.
Philantrophy in Your Estate Plan - How to Keep on GivingSaul Kobrick
Charitable trusts offer a significant amount of flexibility, allowing you to gear your trust agreement to your specific goals and objectives. Learn more about charitable trusts in this presentation.
When Would I Use a Special Needs TrustMark Eghrari
There are different ways to get assets into the hands of your loved ones after you are gone. Learn more about special needs trust in this presentation.
Policy Network Study: exploring the dynamics of REDD+ actor strings in IndonesiaCIFOR-ICRAF
This presentation was delivered at the third Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2016, in Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines.
The five sub-thematic streams at APFW 2016 included:
Pathways to prosperity: Future trade and markets
Tackling climate change: challenges and opportunities
Serving society: forestry and people
New institutions, new governance
Our green future: green investment and growing our natural assets
Is It Time to Consider Guardianship and/or Conservatorship in MissouriCharlie Amen
In the State of Missouri, a guardian is a person who has been appointed by a court (usually the probate division of the circuit court) to have the care and custody of a minor or of an adult person who has been legally determined to be incapacitated. Learn more about guardianship in this presentation.
You pay taxes all of your life, so you would probably like to think that your death will not be a taxable event. Learn more about New York estate tax in this presentation.
The document repeatedly lists the phrases "Dream Dare Win www.jeywin.com www.jeywin.com Dream Dare Win" with no other substantive information provided.
What Are the Gift Tax Exclusions in New York?Mark Eghrari
Lifetime gifting to avoid the estate tax was possible shortly after the enactment of the death tax in 1916. However, to close this window, a gift tax which is now unified with estate tax, was put in place.
Medicare and Medicaid: What Are the DifferencesMark Eghrari
A look at how these two government programs for seniors differs from each other, the way they are run, the benefits, as well as the qualifying requirements. Learn more about medicare and medicaid in this whitepaper.
When you use a will to transfer your assets, this court supervises the estate administration process. This process called probate. Learn more about probate process in this presentation.
If you are a high net worth individual, you should explore estate tax efficiency strategies. Learn more about qualified domestic trust in this presentation.
Can A Living Trust Include Spendthrift ProtectionMark Eghrari
In fact, living trusts are one of the most popular estate planning tools out there, because of the efficiency and versatility they provide. Learn more about living trust in this presentation.
Does Medicare Pay for Long-Term Care in New YorkMark Eghrari
Medicare does not pay for long-term custodial care like that received in nursing homes. Such care can cost over $160,000 per year in New York. While Medicare helps with medical costs, 7 in 10 seniors will require long-term care assistance that Medicare does not cover. Medicaid may pay for long-term care for those with limited assets who qualify through a spend-down process. Planning is needed to qualify for Medicaid assistance with long-term care costs that Medicare does not cover.
When Does a Power of Attorney TerminateMark Eghrari
You would use a power of attorney if you want to give another person the power to make legally binding decisions on your behalf. Learn more about power of attorney in this presentation.
What Is a New York Special Needs TrustMark Eghrari
Estate planning can seem like an exercise in slicing up a pie into different pieces that can be distributed in lump sums to your loved ones after you pass away. In reality, this is quite an oversimplification for many families. Learn more about New York special needs trust in this presentation.
An ILIT can provide a tax efficiency solution, but you should be aware of the three-year rule. If you die within three years of transferring policies into the trust, the proceeds would be part of your estate for tax purposes. Learn more about ILIT in this presentation.
What Is the Five Year Medicaid Look-BackMark Eghrari
Though the majority of senior citizens will qualify for Medicare coverage, Medicare is not set up to cover custodial care costs. Learn more about New York medicaid look-back in this presentation.
Medicaid is a need-based program. It is intended to provide a health care safety net for very low income people. Learn more about medicaid in this presentation.
What Is The Unlimited Marital Estate Tax DeductionMark Eghrari
In the field of estate planning, qualified domestic trusts are used to mitigate estate tax exposure if you are married to a non-citizen. Learn more about unlimited marital estate tax deduction in this presentation.
In reality, things don't work this way. When someone passes away in possession of personal property that is being distributed through the terms of a last will, the will must be admitted to probate. Learn more about New Yor probate in this presentation.
This document is used to arrange for the transfer of financial assets. The last will is not the only type of will used in the field of estate planning. Learn more about living will in New York in this presentation.
What Is The Federal Estate Tax Marital DeductionMark Eghrari
When you are planning your estate, you should be aware of of the existence of the federal estate tax which can significantly erode assets that you are passing on to your loved ones. Learn more about federal estate tax in this presentation.
New York Estate Planning FAQ: What is ProbateMark Eghrari
Most people equate estate planning to the execution of a last will. If you do use a last will to arrange for future property transfers they won't take place in private.
Agency - Definition - Requisites – Kinds - Creation of Agency - Rights and duties of agent. Delegation, scope of agent’s authority, relaxation of principal with third parties - Position of principal and agent in relation to third parties - Personal liability of agent - Termination of agency Identification of different kinds of agency transactions in day to day life in the commercial world; Liability of the principal for acts of the agent including misconduct and tort of the agent Liability of the agent towards the principal. Personal liability towards the parties - Methods of termination of agency contract - Liability of the principal and agent before and after such termination.
Medicare and Medicaid: What Are the DifferencesMark Eghrari
A look at how these two government programs for seniors differs from each other, the way they are run, the benefits, as well as the qualifying requirements. Learn more about medicare and medicaid in this whitepaper.
When you use a will to transfer your assets, this court supervises the estate administration process. This process called probate. Learn more about probate process in this presentation.
If you are a high net worth individual, you should explore estate tax efficiency strategies. Learn more about qualified domestic trust in this presentation.
Can A Living Trust Include Spendthrift ProtectionMark Eghrari
In fact, living trusts are one of the most popular estate planning tools out there, because of the efficiency and versatility they provide. Learn more about living trust in this presentation.
Does Medicare Pay for Long-Term Care in New YorkMark Eghrari
Medicare does not pay for long-term custodial care like that received in nursing homes. Such care can cost over $160,000 per year in New York. While Medicare helps with medical costs, 7 in 10 seniors will require long-term care assistance that Medicare does not cover. Medicaid may pay for long-term care for those with limited assets who qualify through a spend-down process. Planning is needed to qualify for Medicaid assistance with long-term care costs that Medicare does not cover.
When Does a Power of Attorney TerminateMark Eghrari
You would use a power of attorney if you want to give another person the power to make legally binding decisions on your behalf. Learn more about power of attorney in this presentation.
What Is a New York Special Needs TrustMark Eghrari
Estate planning can seem like an exercise in slicing up a pie into different pieces that can be distributed in lump sums to your loved ones after you pass away. In reality, this is quite an oversimplification for many families. Learn more about New York special needs trust in this presentation.
An ILIT can provide a tax efficiency solution, but you should be aware of the three-year rule. If you die within three years of transferring policies into the trust, the proceeds would be part of your estate for tax purposes. Learn more about ILIT in this presentation.
What Is the Five Year Medicaid Look-BackMark Eghrari
Though the majority of senior citizens will qualify for Medicare coverage, Medicare is not set up to cover custodial care costs. Learn more about New York medicaid look-back in this presentation.
Medicaid is a need-based program. It is intended to provide a health care safety net for very low income people. Learn more about medicaid in this presentation.
What Is The Unlimited Marital Estate Tax DeductionMark Eghrari
In the field of estate planning, qualified domestic trusts are used to mitigate estate tax exposure if you are married to a non-citizen. Learn more about unlimited marital estate tax deduction in this presentation.
In reality, things don't work this way. When someone passes away in possession of personal property that is being distributed through the terms of a last will, the will must be admitted to probate. Learn more about New Yor probate in this presentation.
This document is used to arrange for the transfer of financial assets. The last will is not the only type of will used in the field of estate planning. Learn more about living will in New York in this presentation.
What Is The Federal Estate Tax Marital DeductionMark Eghrari
When you are planning your estate, you should be aware of of the existence of the federal estate tax which can significantly erode assets that you are passing on to your loved ones. Learn more about federal estate tax in this presentation.
New York Estate Planning FAQ: What is ProbateMark Eghrari
Most people equate estate planning to the execution of a last will. If you do use a last will to arrange for future property transfers they won't take place in private.
Agency - Definition - Requisites – Kinds - Creation of Agency - Rights and duties of agent. Delegation, scope of agent’s authority, relaxation of principal with third parties - Position of principal and agent in relation to third parties - Personal liability of agent - Termination of agency Identification of different kinds of agency transactions in day to day life in the commercial world; Liability of the principal for acts of the agent including misconduct and tort of the agent Liability of the agent towards the principal. Personal liability towards the parties - Methods of termination of agency contract - Liability of the principal and agent before and after such termination.
A New Lens on Justice_ The Impact of Trauma-Informed Approaches in Criminal J...Jolene Maloney
Adopting these practices requires training and a shift in mindset for police officers, attorneys, judges, and corrections officers. Training focuses on enhancing empathy, improving communication skills, and implementing de-escalation techniques to prevent re-traumatization of individuals in the criminal justice system. Moreover, it encourages professionals to consider alternatives to incarceration, such as diversion programs and therapeutic interventions, which can provide the necessary support and rehabilitation.
The Nigerian Insurance Industry An Overview of the Regulatory & Commercial La...MerisLabs
The Nigerian Insurance Industry: An Overview of the Regulatory & Commercial Landscape
Presented at Zelle International LLP Insurance Conference at The Old Library @ Lloyd’s
June 26, 2024
Obafemi Agaba, LLM (Lond.); MCIArb (UK); Notary Public, Jackson Etti & Edu
Designed by
Tomide Adeoye
John Halpern, cofounder of Bain Capital, Sued for Sexual Assaultlunaticsumon
Plaintiff Christopher Michael Ausnit (hereinafter “Plaintiff”) was sexually assaulted and abused by Defendant John Dale Halpern (hereinafter “Defendant”) multiple times during an extensive and extenuating period of time, ranging between 1972 and 1994, approximately. The abuse was systematic, repetitive, horrific, outrageous, and spanned from when the Plaintiff was a minor, to adulthood, causing extensive psychological trauma and emotional distress.
Apply for a Work Permit in Czech RepublicBridgeWest.eu
This presentation and the article in the link present the steps foreigners must take in order to apply for a work permit in Czech Republic: https://czech-immigration.com/czech-republic-work-permit/.
This ebook provides a comprehensive exploration of the theme of perfectionism, the inner critic, and the importance of being present in both personal and professional contexts, particularly in legal settings.
1. Silencing the Inner Critic: We begin with a focus on freeing oneself from self-judgment and the judgment of others. I emphasize the importance of slowing down racing thoughts and acknowledging that worrying does not alter the past, nor does it change the future.
2. Perfectionism: I discuss the concept of perfectionism and how it is not only unattainable but also uninteresting. I suggest that audiences are drawn to authenticity rather than flawless performances. The idea is reinforced with examples, such as how mistakes can lead to valuable outcomes. Being human is inherently messy and striving for perfection often stems from past criticism and fear of judgment.
3. Cultural Obsession with Perfection: I discuss society's obsession with perfection, from social media selfies to curated appearances, and the stifling nature of this pursuit on creativity.
4. Authenticity in Legal Practice: I share personal insights from my experience in law, noting that imperfections in presentations can enhance authenticity and resonate more deeply with jurors. The lessons learned suggest that genuine emotion and real-life experiences are more impactful than polished performances.
5. The Power of Words: The significance of words is highlighted, particularly in the courtroom, where they can evoke strong emotions and influence the jury's perception. The balance between passion in advocacy and careful word choice is emphasized, as well as the necessity of being mindful of the energy and emotions conveyed through words.
6. Engaging the Jury: I discuss the dynamics of jury interaction, emphasizing that jurors desire a captivating experience and are often rooting for the lawyer to engage them. Strategies for empowering the jury and acknowledging their role in the courtroom are suggested to foster goodwill and enhance the overall trial experience.
7. Being Present: A significant portion of the presentation focuses on the importance of being present in the moment. Individuals spend a considerable part of their day lost in thoughts of the past or future, leading to stress and anxiety. I encourage mindfulness practices, such as meditation, to cultivate a non-judgmental mind and improve focus on the present.
8. Managing Thoughts and Expectations: Techniques for managing thoughts and expectations are discussed, including the idea of viewing thoughts as passing cars rather than allowing them to derail focus. The importance of setting realistic expectations and being adaptable in the face of objections during legal proceedings is highlighted.
9. Final Thoughts: I conclude with a call to embrace the present moment fully, suggesting that true freedom and spontaneity arise from engaging fully with life as it unfolds.