.. I Am one of thoSe fellows who livE prudenTly And sAnely, hour After hour, dAy After dAy..
_++ hehA!!.. AccOrdIng to MAh biRtH cerTificAte, eLee rOse iS mAh beAtiFul nAme, giVen lAst AuguSt 19,1991 At the benguEt GeneRAl HosPitAl..
>aM heAlthy.hehe
>sOMe sAyS aM xO'Xo eMotiOnal.. hMM. i kiNdA aGree..
>aM a CraZy tHinkEr.. heKHeK..
> i cAn SAy thAt i hAve a gOod IMaGInaTIOn..JEje
> aM eAsY to be wiTh..
> AS lonG as yOu kNOW hOw tO lauGh, owKIe tAyo jAn.. hehE
>heHa!!.. this selfishness or authentic-self-ness? Is bluntness and calling a spade a spade something of the realm of God? I