Tema 3, primum non nocereNiissii Piilot XaaLa primum non nocere, obligaría a evitar cualquier acción médica, dado que todas ellas conllevan el riesgo de causar un daño .
Cada una de las acciones del médico tiene un efecto bueno y uno malo.
“Principio del acto de doble efecto” señala que:
Es ilícito realizar un acto del que se siguen dos efectos, uno bueno y uno malo, siempre y cuando se satisfagan 4 condiciones.
Pendataan imunisasi 2013Vaisal ArbaiDokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai unit-unit pelayanan imunisasi di Jakarta Selatan beserta jumlahnya, permasalahan pendataan imunisasi, evaluasi awal terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas data imunisasi, serta analisis kondisi data imunisasi berdasarkan beberapa parameter seperti tanggal kelahiran, jenis kelamin, asal data, dan tempat tinggal bayi.
Experiencia N°1Pichu VillavicencioExperiencia del volumen de un cuerpo irregular
My future vacationIsha Hdez SilvaIsha Joana Hernández Silva plans to take several vacations to various destinations with different groups of family and friends. In July she will visit Colombia with her sister, in February she will celebrate her birthday in Los Angeles, California with her boyfriend, with friends and her boyfriend she will visit the romantic and fun city of Venice, Italy, with her family she will celebrate Family Day in the beautiful Riviera Maya region of Mexico, and with her grandparents she will visit the magical Pyramids of Tulum to celebrate her grandparent's birthday.
HealthyYou LinkdInCody HartThe document analyzes research on the potential for a HealthyYou vending machine on the CWU campus. It finds that:
1) Students are interested in healthier options and perceive current vending machine options as unhealthy.
2) The most popular potential locations are the library fishbowl, Black Hall, and Shaw Smyser building.
3) Products students want most are fruit, nutrition bars, granola bars, trail mix, and pretzels/chips for snacks and water, smoothies, tea/coffee, and juice for drinks.
4) Prices should be $2-3.50 for snacks and drinks, and students are unlikely to purchase entrees from vending machines
Draaidag: opening winkelcentrum De Rooi Pannen.Nicole BuursenBackstage fotografie bij de opening van het nieuwe winkelcentrum van De Rooi Pannen.
Mi Tecno-AutobiografiaMaiteMarciales15Es un trabajo que me pidieron para la materia NTICx y una de las consignas era subirlo a Internet mediante ݺߣShare. Se trata sobre mi Tecno-Autobiografía, es decir, de mi biografía con respecto a los aparatos tecnológicos que tuve en el transcurso de mi vida.
Sushree TradersPramod ZanwarWe are the prominent grain merchant (Supplier of grains) in the khamgaon mandi. Our khamgaon mandi is the largest mandi in Vidarbha. The grain which we purchase from include Corn/Maize (Makka), Jowar(Jawari), Wheat (Gehun), Red Gram (Toor),Black Gram (Urad), Green Gram (Moong), Bengal Gram (Chana), Cheak Peas (Kabuli Chana), Soya Seed (Soyabean), Neemfruit (Nimboli), Groundnut (Mungfalli), seasame (til), Sunflower (Suryaful) etc. The grains which we supply are purchased directly from the farmer and guaranteed to be of best quality as it is farm fresh and unadulterated.
Our trading history includes deals with some of the established company.
We purchase Neem fruit for Agro Extract, Ozone Biotech, Mother Dairy, Aadarsh small planet, Vijay agro etc.
We purchase Wheat for Khandesh floar mill.
We also purchase soyabean for Ambika solvex ltd.
The reason these deals include the transparency in our deals with all our partners.
We also supply grains in quantities of your choice and only after proper inspection by your representatives.
We promise that if we are chosen for your deals, you will have a wonderful trading experience and profit.
SimpegSoftware DeveloperInfo: 022-76743214
SIMPEG adalah sistem Informasi berbasis komputer yang digunakan untuk mendukung sistem administrasi kepegawaian di lingkungan Pemerintah daerah.
Male HypogonadismSiti Nurul Afiqah JohariMale hypogonadism is caused by androgen deficiency which can negatively impact organ functions and quality of life. The goal of testosterone replacement therapy is to restore hormone levels to the normal range and alleviate symptoms. Common treatment options include injections, patches, gels, and implants which can restore sexual function, muscle strength, and bone density. Therapy requires monitoring for side effects like prostate issues or blood clots. Gonadotropins may also be used to stimulate testosterone production and spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
technology and usjerrilynhernandezThe document discusses technology and its impact on people. It defines technology as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Some advantages of technology mentioned include that it makes work faster and easier, enhances skills through self-directed learning, and is a source of information and communication. However, the document also notes some disadvantages such as technology potentially leading to addiction, reducing family time, and exposing private details through social media.
Автор: Василенко Вероника, учащаяся 3-В класса
Руководитель: Голубятникова Елена Анатольевна, учитель младших классов
Мои прадедушки в годы ВеликойБиблиотека Им. И. ГаспринскогоТема: " Мои прадедушки в годы Великой Отечественной войны"
Ученик Федоренко Дмитрий Владимирович
Класс З-в класс
Руководитель Голубятникова Елена Анатольевна
г. Симферополь
Sushree TradersPramod ZanwarWe are the prominent grain merchant (Supplier of grains) in the khamgaon mandi. Our khamgaon mandi is the largest mandi in Vidarbha. The grain which we purchase from include Corn/Maize (Makka), Jowar(Jawari), Wheat (Gehun), Red Gram (Toor),Black Gram (Urad), Green Gram (Moong), Bengal Gram (Chana), Cheak Peas (Kabuli Chana), Soya Seed (Soyabean), Neemfruit (Nimboli), Groundnut (Mungfalli), seasame (til), Sunflower (Suryaful) etc. The grains which we supply are purchased directly from the farmer and guaranteed to be of best quality as it is farm fresh and unadulterated.
Our trading history includes deals with some of the established company.
We purchase Neem fruit for Agro Extract, Ozone Biotech, Mother Dairy, Aadarsh small planet, Vijay agro etc.
We purchase Wheat for Khandesh floar mill.
We also purchase soyabean for Ambika solvex ltd.
The reason these deals include the transparency in our deals with all our partners.
We also supply grains in quantities of your choice and only after proper inspection by your representatives.
We promise that if we are chosen for your deals, you will have a wonderful trading experience and profit.
SimpegSoftware DeveloperInfo: 022-76743214
SIMPEG adalah sistem Informasi berbasis komputer yang digunakan untuk mendukung sistem administrasi kepegawaian di lingkungan Pemerintah daerah.
Male HypogonadismSiti Nurul Afiqah JohariMale hypogonadism is caused by androgen deficiency which can negatively impact organ functions and quality of life. The goal of testosterone replacement therapy is to restore hormone levels to the normal range and alleviate symptoms. Common treatment options include injections, patches, gels, and implants which can restore sexual function, muscle strength, and bone density. Therapy requires monitoring for side effects like prostate issues or blood clots. Gonadotropins may also be used to stimulate testosterone production and spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
technology and usjerrilynhernandezThe document discusses technology and its impact on people. It defines technology as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Some advantages of technology mentioned include that it makes work faster and easier, enhances skills through self-directed learning, and is a source of information and communication. However, the document also notes some disadvantages such as technology potentially leading to addiction, reducing family time, and exposing private details through social media.
Автор: Василенко Вероника, учащаяся 3-В класса
Руководитель: Голубятникова Елена Анатольевна, учитель младших классов
Мои прадедушки в годы ВеликойБиблиотека Им. И. ГаспринскогоТема: " Мои прадедушки в годы Великой Отечественной войны"
Ученик Федоренко Дмитрий Владимирович
Класс З-в класс
Руководитель Голубятникова Елена Анатольевна
г. Симферополь
"Меним къартбабам - дженк иштиракчиси", Ваде БальчаеваБиблиотека Им. И. ГаспринскогоКонкурсная работа.
Конкурс «Памяти негаснущий огонь»
Проводится в рамках 70-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 годов.
«Къырымтатархалкънынъ дженк къараманлары»Библиотека Им. И. ГаспринскогоМемедэминов Дилявер
МБОУ «Средняя школа №18 с крымскотатарским языком обучения г.Евпатория», 9 класс
«Къырымтатархалкънынъ дженк къараманлары»