116. I Lov竜 ou 旅竜脹o o留ds m竜 !
117. You make me feel. Different.
118. You're positive.
119. You're driven.
120. I appreciate you more than you'llever know.
121. I love you because you love me for who I am.
122. You're very understanding.
123. You'd never backstab anyone in the back
124. You're a hard-worker.
125. Because when I'm sad, you're first person I run after.
126. You actually would like to know my story.
127. You like to stay up all night.
128. I know you're proud of me.
129. I find it extremely adorable when you're trying to express yourselfknowing it's hard for you.
130. I just can't seem to stop thinking about you.
131. I know you miss e