My attitude is Base on your attitudE!
If ure good to me? Then ilL BE good on to u. . But if ure bAD to me . .iam m0re bADLY THAn u. .s0mething u cALLEd it 'worSE'
Show me your LOVE,interest,time and happinesS
AnD i gIVE you my WHole LiFe. . .you to bec0me 'my MAN' ANd n0t a b0y. . .
Respect me then i also respect you. .i hate people who are boastfulL,hardheaded,and people who keEP Waiting me,
I hate when iam sick,
So i always take cARE of MYSelf even my family.,
Iam Ma.Elizabeth Daggao y Ramones
Iam n0t perfECT DAUGHTER
N0t a perfECT M0THer and even n0t a perfECT wifE. .
BUT IM FULL. .because of your Love!: