If you smile at me, I will understand, 'cause that is something everybody, everywhere does in the same language.
i have blue/grey/green eyes.
i used to have completely blond hair...
then i dyed it, now it's darker... i hope it goes blonde again one day!
i'm kinda short, i guess
i heart jewellery
im in loooovvvve...
with the cutest man ever born. his name is daniel.
i love animals [i have several fish, and 3 cats Mona and Othello and Darcy, and bunch of chickens, a rabbit [VOLTAGE] and 1 duck.]
my soul is musical, and i thats why i love music
i believe in God and in Chrisitian morals but i am still finding myself within him and i am tying to explore what he has in store for my l