I am not creating this FB acc to collect as many members from all over the world as I am not a friend-collector. Sekadar add into friendlist je, xde maknanya sebuah psahabatan.
I am a person who loves my family more than others. They are my priority in life.
I'm not a complicated person to be friend with but people always wrongly judged me as 'sombong'..Well, x kenal maka xcinta. Bila dah kenal barulah boleh bercinta...rite? :)
I will give 100% points each time I be friend with someone. Tp bila ati fragile ini dsakiti sgt2, akan kubawa sampai ke mati. Huh...!
I am a sensitive person in many ways.
I am quite an easy going person.
A love to be loved person...heheh