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Organization / Workplace
Batangas City
Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. . .,la lang wehHhH...._^ "life's battle do not always favor the stronger or faster ones.. the one who wins is the one whose heartbeat says: " "WITH GOD I CAN!" "It doesn't, ,matter if the weight of the world is pulling you down. With GOD you have everything." / |/ | .-~/ T\ Y I |/ / _ /T | \I | I Y.-~/ I l /I T\ | | l | T / T\ | \ Y l /T | \I l \ ` l Y __ | \l \l \I l __l l \ ` _. | \ ~-l `\ `\ \ \\ ~\ \ `. .-~ |