(琪脈¬) (琪脈¬)
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"syg lOvE b". syg cNt ExpReSs In WoRdS D jOy oF MeEtiNg b iN diZ bIg WoRlD..syg HaViNg b In syg'S lIfE aNd THaTS D WoNdERfuL tHiNgS iN dIz WoRlD 4 dd, syg JuSt FoR b
oK! im nOt thE sMArTESt oR tHE moSt TaLenTed PersOn in THe worlD ,But i SuCCeeded BeCoUse i Keep GoinG,anD GoinG n Going with this games Of Life,Even SometIme So MAny Thing Killing Me from inside..Yea!that Call Life!,Life its tOo shorT,i think grudges are a weste of PerFect HaPPineSs..i Lough as i CaN,aLways aPpologiZe When I shouLd..aNd Let Go Whut i Can'T Change..Love Deeply And ForgiVe quickly.Take Change Give everytHing and Have No Regrets.