What I Love:
1. Being Rediculous with Friends
2. Going places
3. Going to my family's cabin
4. Laughing at people making fools of themselves
6. Painting/decorating
7. My animals
8. Getting Mail
What I Hate:
2. Being tired
3. Waking up to an alarm Clock, especially when it isn't mine!
4. Figuring out the tip
5. Ignorant people
6. Stupid Questions
7. Lawn Mowers/Garbage Trucks at 6 am
8. Waiting in line
What I Do Most Often:
1. Forget what I should be doing
2. Give good advice
3. Talk sarcastically
4. Listen to my music
5. Misplace and lose Things
6. Talk on my cellphone
7. Work at BBY
8. Make fun of other people
What I Want To Do: