Welcome to my profile
Riwayat pendidikan :
TK Aisyiah 1 Labuhan Ratu
SDN 2 Labuhan Ratu
SMPN 22 Bandar Lampung
SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung
about me :
- Movie lovers (maniac movie)
- Sone! *pure*
- Directioners
- not ELF
- Directur of SM Entertaiment
- Member of ekskul "Rohis 9"
- Member of PSIKOPAT (perkumpulan siswa kompak sepuluh empat)
-Member of ALUMNEE (Alliance Unbeatable Marvelous Niners Science Three)
- Member of SNSD (wanna be)
- Pure javanees
- Indonesian
- I love my family
hobby :
- watching movie
- hangout with friends
- go to cinema
- reading book about physicology
- novels, sho