What is the point of this box?
I like debates with artists and people that don't know shit about art.
Sara showed me this: Take my name, Ethan Culleton, and if I were born of these races I would be called...
Hobbit: Biagrin Moresby of the shire
Elven: Gweryan Son of Fëanor
Dawrf: Tanar of Erebor
Human: Reodd Regent of Gondor
Wizard: Tharkûn the Smith
If I just type in Ethan I get these:
Hobbit: 'the Magnificent' Cotton , Mayor of Michel Delving
Elven: Sorka Dark Elf
Dwarf: Masin , King of Durin’s Folk
Human: Limyr of the Northmen
Wizard: Ossë , Flame of Udûn