Over 15 years of experience in programming and IT related projects.
* While I was a highschool student I explored the wonderfull world of GWBasic and CPM microprocessors. Did some programming in Z80 assembly language, too (1990-1993).
* As student at university I've continued with TurboPascal and later afterewards with Borland Delphi 2..2007,C++,VB,C#,Java. Ocasionaly I do some programming in 8080/8086 assembly language and Python, too
* Between 1995 - 2002 I wrote actively code (apps/libs) designed to work for Windows platform (3.x,NT,9x,XP)
* Since 2000 I've been involved in projects related to SQL Server database design and programming (SQL7,2000,2005,2008)
* In 2002 I took the bull by...