i just love being me...
i'm conservative here deep but bitchy the way i dressed up... :]
some may like me nor hate me but whatever it is-------
i'm still EUNICE that you knew...
i'm not easy to get :] Hehe
maybe you can get my attraction nor admiration
but not "MY LOVE" <3<3<3 !..
i know where to put myself for...
i'm not that kind of feeling close (FC) ... shockxzzzz!
they say i'm a shy girl "]
well, actually i'm sooooo KULET to those person i used to be with...
but i feel shyness to those people i haven't known yet....
if i were to describe myself,
i'm simple yet gorgeous : )) !!!! hahahaha. LOLx
people that don't know me, thinks i'm quiet...
but people who knew me, wish i was :D
you c