I love my kids! Many days I catch myself smiling at them for no apparent reason! ~~
Singing makes me happy, but only if noone can hear me! ~~
I love to make things, but I don't claim to be an artist. ~~
Tattoos are cool. ~~
Laughing is my daily medication. ~~
I love chocolate. ~~
Sweet tea is my only addiction!~~
I don't really like to shop. ~~
Storms, lightning, rain - all thrill me.~~
Cooking is not my strong suit. ~~
I'm not obsessive about cleaning. ~~
Forgiveness is my forté. ~~
I don't take things too seriously. ~~
I allow my kids to make a mess w/o making them feel bad about it. ~~
I hate to argue, unless it's with my husband! ~~
I enjoy a good cry. ~~
I cannot stan