--== CARPE DIEM ==--
BasicallY shE speakS whAt she thinks, say she sTraighT forwaRd, sHe wIll aLso giVe faCe foR nOt hurTinG pPl fEElinG... saY shE decisive she wIll onLi decidE foR reAl situaTioNs(noT whEre to gO, wherE tO eaT... all these she wilL go wIth thE crowd,shui bian de)... saY shE mature nO onE wiLL believe cause heR dailY attitUdes don sHows thEm... saY shE wisE howeveR you caN gEt thE the dumbest storieS anD lamest things shE does. . She believes iN if yoU staRt, givE uR 100%, if noT dUn staRt (0%) and NOtHing is fOrever iS heR philosophy. 28 April 2004