....aM a gEnIuS IdIoT......sCiEnTiST
wEll wOt else i shUd sAy...ma frNds kNw me wEl...tHiNk wOteVr u waNt am me aNd i woNt cHaNge fOr aNyoNe <3
mOsTlY i LovE mE a LoT <3 <3 <3 !!! XD
.. {{vision}}...{{through black eyes}}...
{{resides in}}...{{every friends heart who ever consider me as}}.
.. {{looks like}}...{{Indian}}..
. {{i would give my life}}...{{for those whom i love and who love me}}...
{{zodiac sign}}...{{libra}}... {{treat me}}...{{with respect and i will give the same}}... {{people say}}...{{i'm decent}}... {{never}}...{{piss me off or let me down}}...
{{proud to be}}...{{my parents kid}}...
}... {{Favorite holiday spot}}...{{china}}..
{{Favorite quotes}}...