' m a boy wth gud attitudê but wth bad añgêr nd ego to ,i hv a funda in my lifé, bé swéètest to those who sweet to me nd as wel as too gud fr those who ignore nd bad towards me I am An Aligarian!! dnt judge me by
u hv seen in me rmmbr wt u hv seen
in me z wt i hv chzn2 show u, if u
wanna love me love me as i
am,otherwise i am happy to be single:'(
" Oye Proxy laga dena Yaaaaaaaar "
My interests is all about me,myself
and i,who i am really..I really hate
copyin people thats why i do my
stuffs in my own way,believing in
myself even if i dont trust people,i
still tend to show love to tose
around me,i might be little funny,fun
to be wi !!i love it how you think em
funny but