hello dear friend !
eyh , wait .. assalamualaikum and salam 1 malaysia for non-muslim :)
before adding .. read this first , so tak pyah nk intro2 sgat nnti . oke ? :)
* i'm Norfarahaini Bte Datuk' Ramli ..
* Farah for short
* i'm 18 years old this year - 17/9
* i was born normally in hospital Tangkak,Johor
* grew up in malacca - FBS Jasin
* ex-student of SMK Nyalas 07-11
* mixed Javanese
* i was the last and the youngest child in my family .. 7 from 7 siblings
(sweet seven)
* I certainly do not like people yg suka2 maki orang , so .. klau jumpe friend sye yg macam tu .. akan di 'remove' sorry sayunk :)
* childish , funny , approachable , talkative*sometimes , not arrogant
* you are welc