Do what you love, Love what you do.
GoD has JudGeD mA Lyƒe…moRe of rouTine, less of tyMe…I haV aN uNcomPro|\/|isiN deManD ƒo' peRƒeCsHuN n ƒiRm ƒaiTh iN God…I trEat d worLd d w/\y it treats me…I ßeLie\/e i|/| doiN waϯeva I wanϯ...naUt gi\/in a shiϯ to d/\ wor|_d…I neEd no ad\/icEs oR peRmi$$hunz tO ma|<e mA deCisiOnz…sUmtyMez umm vioLenϯ...ßut sϯill i keEp rePreSenϯin……I obϯain ƒ0r w/\t I de|\/|and…!!! ☻
I ha\/ o|/|e h3arϯ to loSe n oNe sou|_ to waSte…ma Lyƒe iz ma oWn in\/enϯiOn ƒ0r perƒecϯi0n wIch eXceedz me t0 maϯurity…I enJoy