I wAsN'T b0rN XpErIeNcEd BuT dA hArD realities,deceiving natures,sweet lies,broken promises,double faces,attractive wordz,melting em0tionz,bitter behaviours,ignoring acts,false statments,harsh truth,hypocratic tones DesE aWl tAuGhT m3 wAt Ix xPrIeNce
I'm just like the weather. Sometimes I'm sunny, sometimes cloudy, rainy, windy, cold... but I'm still ME!
I've learned a few things about life...
1. everyone lies
2. everyone is fake
3. trust means nothing
4. promises are broken
5. expect the unexpected
6. not everyone will like you
7. you can't please everyone
8. looks are decieving
9. heartbreak happens
10. No matter how much you want something change, it probably won't -.-