Look at my heart not my march....
Don't interpret me as arrogant, because my shyness doesn't allow me to be myself for most of the time....
Life for me is basically simple, complications are found in our ways to make our lives more enjoyable, obstacles are to make us stronger...
Good friends are like pearls, they are preserved in a strong shel, and you may only find them deep deep in the ocean...
Beauty doesn't equal perfection, beauty can be the defect itself....
悋 惠愕 愆悋惺惘 悋 愕惆 悋慍悴悋悴 悋 悋惘愕惠悋...
惠愕惘 惡悋 悴惆...
悋 愕惘惠 悋 惠惶忰 悋 悋惶忰惠 惡惠 惺悋 悋惓悋惘 悋悽惆愆 悋