- My family ,,
6 years: Mum knows everything !
8 years: Mum knows alot !
12 years: Mum really doesn't know everything !
14 years: Mum knows nothing !
16 years: Mum, what mom !
18 years: Mum is outdated !
25 years: Maybe Mum knows!
35 years:Before deciding, let's ask Mum!
45 years: I wonder what Mum thinks!
75 years: I wish.Mum was here to ask ! ♥ !
Mum i adore u ,, ♥
.I'm Not Perfect !!. cuz i'll annoy you ,, tick you off, say stupid things, & then take them back,, ! but put all that aside, you'll never find a girl that cares & loves you more than me ♥ ! & why am I so afraid to lose you & you are not ever mine??? ,,
- Don't care what people say !! ,, Just be you