Wlcüm Tø My PrøfÃlê....
I ♥ Müzìc
I ♥ Frîënds
I ♥ Slêëp¡ng
I ♥ My hëart
I ♥ Cømpüter
I ♥ Møbilë
I ♥ Facëbøøk
I ♥ Evêrythïng
Héllo frns dis is Fazal ...its vry
difficult to undrstnd me bcos even
i m nøt successful in ìt....
¤ Only Descênts will be Accepted ¤
¤ Persønal chat nòt alløwéd tõ
Strångers ¤
¤ Must reply me once in a mønth ¤
n note down d wørds trùe
meaning of friêndshÃp b4 sêndìng
me a scräp or even a frnd requést...
Der r sùm precautïøns i wud love
tó tell u i häte pêople who nèvér
care for their dear øne's bcoz care
is vêry preciõus to me....
I think whére