People will tell u i am a saint......they lie!!!
people will tell u i am brilliant,they over exaggerate..
people will tell u i am ugly,they are jealous..........
people will tell u i changed their life..........they let me ...
they became addicted to!!! the one they all talk about....!!
and just because i appear to be happii.....don't Mean everything's okay.......
I'm quiet......don't mean i don't have Lot tO SaY!!!!!
I am SaRcAsTiC....don't mean i Neva Take thiNgs seriously...
I forgive....Don't mean i Forget..!!!
I'm gullible..........Don't mean i can be ChEaTeD...!!
I'm oUt Going.....Don't mean i'M never ShY.........
I Don't Show my Feelings.....Don't mean i don't have an