Oomycetes, or water molds, are a group of organisms that are mostly aquatic and live in freshwater environments. Some are saprophytic, living off dead and decaying organisms, while others are parasitic, infecting algae, plants, and animals. The main orders of oomycetes include Saprolegniales, Leptomitales, Legenidiales, and Peronosporales. The order Peronosporales contains many economically important plant pathogens that cause diseases in crops like potatoes, tomatoes, and grapes.
2. Lower Oomycets are entirely aquatic Eg. Achlya diffusa
Commonly found as saprophytes
Some parasite on algae
10. Order -Saprolegniales
generally saprophytic
few species parasitic on higher plants and animals
Saprolegnia has been known to affect a variety of
freshwater fish
11. Order -Leptomitales
Aquatic, saprotrophic, often found in polluted water;
eucarpic; hyphae constricted, with cellulin plugs, arising
from a well-defined basal cell;
oogonium typically containing a single egg, which may
be free or embedded in periplasm (a peripheral layer of
example genera
Apodachlyella, Ducellieria, Leptolegniella
12. Order -Legenidiales
an order of chiefly aquatic fungi (subclass Oomycetes) that are mostly
parasitic in algae and water molds
that have a simple or somewhat branched holocarpic thallus
Example genera Lagenidium, Atkinsiella
Halioticida, Paralagenidium etc.,
13. Order -Peronosporales
Most economically important group in oomycetes
Cause damage in economically important crops like Potato, Tomato, grapes,
cucumbers, and lettuce.
Example genera includes Phytophthora, Phythium, Peronospora, Bremia,
Damping of fungi- Phythium sp
White rust fungi- Albugo sp