FORTUNE SHARA B. RADIN. Many said that my name is unique. Well, certainly true :)) Am really FORTUNE-ate in life. Why? coz GOD gave me a huuuge family and a crazy-crazy, great, true friends. My life is composed with God, family and friends. ^_^ If I lost my relationship to anyone of them, Im gonna dieeee! I cant live without them :3 Moreover, Uhma BIG DAYDREAMER! I love to dream, dream, and to dream. Im not losing my faith, just losing my mind! XD DREAM HIGH :DDD I do my priorities one at a time like 1. STUDIES! (study first, but i have a crushlife along the way. its diff'rent frm lovelife) 2. CAREER 3. LOVELIFE *u* I love to EAT, (its my passionXD) teasing and annoying people (my way of "la