Freedom Minisitries is a non-denominational Christian ministry with a church campus located at 5825 Mark Dabling Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Our website is We are a non-denominational Christian church. We preach the simple, but powerful, good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus took all of our sins, guilt and shame on the cross, and gave us His life as a loving gift. Jesus took the punishment for our sins which He didnt deserve, so we could enjoy a life we could never earn. Romans 1:16-17 tells us this simple gospel releases the power of God which leads to salvation. This means much more than getting to heaven. It means we can enjoy the love, peace, favor and blessings of God while we are on earth. We have small groups, which we call House Fellowships, all around the country. The House Fellowships typically meet on Wednesdays to review and study the notes of the weekly service. This is a way for people to build relationships as well as grow in the wisdom and revelation of Jesus.