The document outlines expectations, skills, tools, and goals for an associate's performance improvement plan. It discusses setting clear expectations and timelines. It identifies skills gaps in salesmanship, product knowledge, and tool usage that need improvement. The goal is to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Foundational changes and appropriate consequences should be established to redirect performance based on gaps.
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Wheel of Awesomeness
1. Expectations
clarity around behaviors, timelines, follow up and commitments
from associate and leadership team, this is not the goal but the
when and what on how to achieve it
Skills & Knowledge
Tools and Resources
salesmanship gaps (validated with
observation), transition statements,
product knowledge, handling
salesmanship gaps (validated with
observation), planner usage,
incorporating and using cool
demos, gaps in understanding or
using reporting tools, t-bar usage
attitude a broad component; in all
cases should be understood at the
core level. Is it compliance vs.
commitment, focus, intensity,
Foundations redirection based on
performance gaps typically begins
here with a reset on core tools, the
easiest change occurs with
implementation of something
Appropriate Consequences
clarity around next steps is crucial at time of goal setting, should
already be awareness with associate and planning by leadership
team on the next steps; praise opportunities, adjustments on
timelines, redirection on coaching, formal coaching plan