I enjoy people when show ATTITUDE to me
because it shows that they need an ATTITUDE to impress me...!
w!n m3 , l00x3 m3 but n3v3r ux3 m3
I face my death, rape my fading life .. And ride my fevery soul through thunderstorms in Hades' depths ..
You - you're the flesh untamed!! .. I - I face my death unchained
My bride in red,In lust our souls ablaze scream with the winds of hell .. You - my blessed grim reaper .. I taste your kiss of pestilence .. !!
n abt ma naturE .. i m
留仄于旅留, 留留旅侶g, 留癮蔵旅僚, 蔵留旅僚留旅侶, 蔵仆留礆旅侶g, 蔵, 留旅侶g, 留, 蔵留于, 旅蔵旅,