I Was Never One To Pat|ently Pick Up The Broken Fragments and Glue Them Together Aga|n, I Know Well What Lies Beyond My SleepIng Refuge,The NIghtmare I Bui|t My Own World To Escape .. When I Was Young , There were Times When I Would Close My Eyes, Take a Deep Breath and Hold It .. Wishing That Everyth|ng Around Me Would Come to a Stand Still, Alas ! I Could Never Hold My Breath Long Enough ....
Comfort for the lonely, discouraged, or hurting. ... ƒ € ΙΞ ℓ Î л Ğ $ is only yrs,,,,, no matter if some one will be by yr side or be there to give ones shoulder to cry or even makes u feel stronger..... u can't stop feeling....... yeh but still u can count on 10 those are really care 4