l¤v€ fl¡®t
st®@¡ghT th¡n!k¡nG
<3 cAring
<3 fuN loVing
<3 sMart
<3 inTelLigent
<3 maRvelous
<3 mOody
<3 loVe to sLeeP
<3 liTtle laZy
<3 amBitiouS
<3 sTylIsh
<3 aTTractive
<3 sWeET
<3 fuNny
<3 emOtionaL
<3 aBle to hIde emOtioNs
<3 chArmiNg
<3 inTelliGent
<3 oPtimistics
<3 hAving pATience
<3 pAssiOnate
<3 coNfidEnt
<3 shy
<3 poSitive
<3 nOt taLk to mUch
<3 loVing
<3 fiT
<3 cooL
<3 tRue
<3 dEpendaBle
fUlLstOp iS nT aN eNd,
iTs d bEgining of nEw
sOme mOre aBoUt me,,
i dUn cAre aBouT peOple,
whT d heLl deY
thInk aBouT me,,
duN tRy to oVerSma