jUst beCauSe iM qUiEte,,it doEsnt mEan i haVe notHing tO saY..
i jUdgEd peOplE tOO eaSiLy By mY firSt imPreSsioN..
i'd RatHer wAit ForEver fOr thE peRfect Gul,tHAn settLe foR aNy persOn..
iM unPrediCtabLE aNd spotaNeouS..
i tRy to be foRgiVing.. i EnJoi BeiNg uniQue..
iM amBitiouS aNd deterMinEd,,bUt i CaN Get LaZy aNd unMotiVateD at tiMes..
iM a sUCKer for cOmpLimentS..
i'd RatHer LoOk iMmatUre aNd chiLdiSh tHan caRe wHat othEr peoPle thiNk..
sOmtEtimEs iM reaLLy ConFiDent aNd otHer tiMes i feEl reaLly inSecUre..(not PrOud of tHat!)..
iM CreatiVe aNd imaGinatiVe,. im cUriouS aBout eVerythiNg..
FriEndZ meAn eVerytHing to Me,, but SometiMes i juSt want to Be aLone..
i eNvy peoPle w