*..BiO-dAtA..*Name:genish....Weight: 68..height: 5"6 FeEt..Piercings: yup... !Tatoos: nop...!girlfriend: LiTtLe...*..FaVoRiTeS..*Food: IndIaN,AmErIcAn,LeBaNoN,ChInEsE..Candy: MaRs,GoTcHa,SnIcKeRs !Number: 7 !!Color: Blue,ReD, B/W…Animal: LiKe ThEm At ZoOs..Drink: JuIcEs....Alcohol Drink*oFcOuRsE....*..ThIs or ThAt..*beer or Coke:beerTea or Coffee:CoFfeEAmerica or India: InDiaN lIfE wItH aMeRiCaN liFe StYleKiss or Hug: BoTh BoTh..Summer or Winter: WiNteRLove or Money: LoVe WiTh MoNeY..Frnds or family: HaVe To ThInK..ThInK..*..YoUr..*Bedtime: NoT fIxEd!!!Most Missed Memory: WhEn I fElT lOnEly!!..First Thought Waking Up: EaCh DaY oNe ThOuGhTGoal for this year: AtLeAsT tO StUdY wElL iN mY nExT